First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

Family Serve Night 2018

Thank you to our church family members who braved the big rain storm and joined in the fun for Family Serve Night! More than 80 people – from toddlers to grandparents – enjoyed a pizza dinner, then helped pack 15,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger, bagged 300 Street Eats bags and helped sort beads for an upcoming VBS craft. As Christ-like servants, we are called to serve those in the community and around the world. We appreciate your work to do just that!



Sanctuary Spruce Up!

Our Family Ministry demonstrated what it means to be gracious hosts during the Highway 45 Mission Camp. Our sanctuary received some TLC from our kids as they polished pews, vacuumed, cleaned windows and had a blast! Thank you to everyone who helped – it shines!



5 Top Questions Regarding Realm

1) What is Realm? Realm is an online community for our church family to connect and communicate.

2) Why are we excited about Realm? We’re excited about Realm because:
  • It is a solution based on a continual need and feedback stating… We need strengthened communication within our family.
  • It is a tool for our church family to live into the vision.
3) What are key features for our church family?
  • Look up members in our church directory
  • Communicate with groups & steams
  • Follow ministry team announcements
  • Update your personal information
  • Give online – one time & recurring gifts
  • View giving history & print giving statements
  • Make & keep track of pledges
  • 24/7/365 Access

4) When will we have access to Realm? Staff members already have access to Realm as we prepare the online community. We are launching Realm to our church family on Sunday July 29th – so mark your calendars! Over the next couple of weeks, as we prepare for launch Sunday, we will provide Realm access to small groups of people.

5) How do I actually use Realm? We strongly encourage you to register for one of our initial training sessions. All are welcome to attend this training. However, if you are specifically an administrative team chair, pillar leader, or ministry leader and cannot attend one of the two sessions, please identify a person or two who can represent your ministry.

July 8 at 8:30am: Register Here

Aug. 12 at 11:00am: Register Here

Over the next couple of months, we will continue to share tips and online resources through our website, social media, and e-newsletters. Connect with your ministry teams, lay leaders, or staff contacts for any specific questions!

Stone Sign

A new sign went up on our campus Easter morning. It now resides across from the Columbarium, and we call it the “stone sign”. We all have “stones” in our lives – a presence or burden that feels overwhelming. Folks are asked to take a stone and place it at this sign to symbolize their faith in God who loves us deeply and can remove anything that blocks our connection with Him or each other.

Many thanks to Colin & Erin Murphy for designing and creating the sign; and to Ruth Rudy, Jay Hoover, Allison McClelland, Robby Lewis and Laura-Grace Anderson for landscaping the area around it.

Agua Viva Serves, Post #2: Ready for Work ?

“The group was super excited when waking up at 7:00am for breakfast. It was our first day of service for the entire day. After a delicious breakfast, the group got ready for a day of service by grabbing our boots and getting dressed into clothes. We rode in a van for two hours to get to the work site. After arriving, we had to dig out a trench to lay the pipes to allow houses to get access to clean water. The other group worked on the well. They dug the two holes by shoveling. After the morning of working, we had lunch in a local’s house. We all enjoyed rice and chicken with a homemade tortilla. We were all super full after so we got back to work. Some people went to Vacation Bible School to play with the kids. They made bracelets, played with balls, and bubbles. After that we came back to Thelma’s and had dinner. We were all super tired so we went to go to devotion, ice cream, and then bed.” 

~Macy Akins

Impact Singers Choir Tour

From June 2-7 the Impact Singers had the opportunity to SING and SERVE in NEW YORK CITY! While ministering in the Big Apple, the singers and their chaperones stayed at Jan Hus Presbyterian Church. At the church, they attended a workshop on homelessness and street care at their Urban Outreach Center. The students prepared food, sorted clothes and helped organize their thrift area. After singing, they visited with the homeless over a meal.

They also sang and played bingo with residents of Upper East Side Rehab Center and served NYC Parks & Recreation by weeding, planting, and mulching in the Bronx. They sang at Pier 83, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, the Neighborhood Esperanza Service (English/Spanish service), and the ArchCare Senior Center.

The Impact Singers served with their whole hearts. Although exhausted, the reward from serving others made it all worth it. Michael Roberts, Director of Music Ministries, said, “God was present with us the entire week. Thank you again to the whole church for supporting us through Broadway Bound and all the volunteer hours that made our trip possible!”


Agua Viva Serves, Post #1: Welcome to Los Chiles!

“We all arrived yesterday safely at 7:00pm after a long day of traveling. The group got up this morning and ate breakfast at 8:00am. The group was super excited for church in the morning! We all got in there van after a delicious breakfast at Thelma’s and made our way to church. The kids sung some songs with the locals. Then, the kids went to another service in a different room. Also, the young kids made cards for their dad’s for Father’s Day. While, the older kids made bowtie gifts. In the other service, the moms sang Amazing Grace. After church, we all got back in the van and went on a little trip back to Thelma’s.

At Thelma’s, we had a delicious lunch that consisted of burgers, pasta, and of course rice and beans. After lunch, we all went back to our rooms and put on shorts and t-shirts to get ready to go to visit the water towers made by Agua Viva. All of the kids climbed up on a water tower built by Agua Viva. We passed by Agua Viva’s 50th water tower with a cross made by the locals. Adding to that, we visited the first well by Agua Viva. Finally, the group made it ways down to a river to go on a river adventure! On the river we saw monkeys, fish, and birds. On the river adventure, we all got to cross the border of Costa Rica and Nicaragua. After a long day of fun, we made our way back to Thelma’s and enjoyed pizza for dinner and devotion.”

~Macy Akins

Elevate Kenya Trip, Post #3: Happy Father’s Day from Naivasha!

Happy Father’s Day from Naivasha, Kenya! Although we missed celebrating with family, we spent the day celebrating Father’s Day with our new Kenyan friends and family.

Our eyes were opened this morning to an amazing way of worshiping God. The church service at Trinity United Methodist Church was three hours long! The morning flew by, however, because there was so much singing, dancing, and praising our God. Dancing in church…can you imagine? It was fun! We have all decided that we need to do this in our own church in Winter Park. Who is in?

After church we got to play games like Duck, Duck, Goose with children from the Sunday School. Those kids were so adorable! It is Winter here in Kenya. Many of the children were bundled up in sweaters and jackets. We Floridians were hot!

After church we all had lunch at a cool Kenyan restaurant. We ate Chinese food, Indian food, fried chicken, and pizza. Let me tell you – they had it all! And it was good!

After lunch we Skyped our family and friends from Winter Park Methodist Church. Some of our Panua students were with us and got to meet their prayer partners. It was quite moving.

Dinner was served at the hotel as usual- the Kenyan food is quite tasty. And we celebrated our own Heather Rodriguezs’ birthday with singing and a birthday cake. Happy Birthday, Heather!

Now we are all going to bed to dream about where our adventures will take us tomorrow. We love and miss you all!

~The Panua Elevate Mission Team

Elevate Kenya Trip, Post #2: Making a Difference

Today,  one of the Panua staff members shared the story of the environmental activist Wangari Maathai.  It’s a children’s story about a terrible fire that took place on an island.  All the animals stood in awe watching their homes burn to the earth.  A small hummingbird decided to get some water and try to put the fire out.  All the animals questioned why the hummingbird would try to put out the fire.  The hummingbird said I may be small,  but I can’t give up like the other animals.  I have to try the best I can.

 We are so inspired by the difference Panua is making in the lives of the Youth and the community of Naivasha. They are taking all they are learning in the program and making their communities better!

Communications Update

Earlier this Spring we announced several communications shifts and enhancements for our church family. Our communications lay team, the Coalition for Marketing and Communications, has been hard at work over the past several months working with ministries throughout FUMCWP.  Here are some of those exciting updates:

Recent Changes

This month you saw the first issue of our church-wide Monthly Newsletter. Each month we will have the newsletter printed and available in worship and around campus. Also, the newsletter is available digitally on our website. View our June newsletter here.

We have a couple of changes related to our bulletin. As we embrace the Monthly Newsletter, we shifted our bulletin to be a order of worship and will no longer contain announcements. A few members of our church family (and yes, we have the stats – just a few!), were active users of our FUMCWP app to reference the bulletin each Sunday. This June, we are shifting away from the monetary investment associated with the FUMCWP App as our family embraces the online community available through Realm! We are excited for all the ways this tool will impact our ministries. As we move forward with Realm, the digital copy of the bulletin will be available there. Look for more details on getting connected and logged in to Realm in the coming months.


Upcoming for Our Church Family

One of the goals – in short – that our team received from the Long-Range Planning team was to strength our church communications. Making some changes to our website fits within that goal and is a necessity for us. The first step we are taking is to update the navigation to make it easier to find information! Look for changes this fall.

With that being said, we are moving away from ministry-specific e-newsletters at the beginning of August. Currently we have two church-wide e-newsletters – Monday morning with announcements and Thursday at Three with ministry stories. These 2 e-newsletters will be the source of church-wide and ministry-specific news. We strongly encourage our entire vibrant family to subscribe to stay in engaged!

Want to join the team?

Wow, this is a lot of new and exciting work! 

As you can see, the Coalition for Marketing and Communications is actively involved in the communications needs of FUMCWP and our ministries. With over 30 ministries and administrative teams, we are empowering our laity to use the communications talents and gifts that God has given them.

Serving on this team is another way to grow in your faith journey. If you are interested in becoming a Communications Ambassador and joining our lay team, please email Sarah Skidmore, Director of Marketing and Communications, at