First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

Covenant Bible Experience

This Covenant Experience is an opportunity for the whole church to experience reading the Bible together over an eight week period. Everyone is invited to join a Covenant group which will meet weekly to learn and talk about what they have read. There is even a Covenant group for our students on Sunday morning at 11am. This experience of reading the Bible will focus on the biblical concept of covenant as a unifying pattern as we read passages from both the Old and New Testaments. The concept of covenant reminds us of the unique relationship that God chooses to have with us as God’s people. This relationship is grounded in the faithfulness of God’s love and on our ongoing commitment to stay in love with God while we share signs of that love with others.

Opportunities for Men:

  • Tuesday Mornings: Sept. 15-Nov. 3, 7-8am, the Fellowship Hall, facilitated by Rev. Gary Rideout
  • Thursday Mornings: September 17-November 5, 7-8am, the Resource Center, facilitated by Rob Neil, Ben Howell, and Skip Matthias
  • Wednesday Lunch: September 16-Nov. 4, 12-1pm, Room 319 MFLC, facilitated by Vince Furey (registration for lunch TBA)

Opportunities for Women:

  • Thursday Mornings: Sept 17-Nov. 5, 9:30-11:00am (316, 321, 320, 319 MFLC) yes childcare, facilitator: Amy Richardson
  • Mondays lunch: September 14-Nov. 2, 11:30-1pm (The Parlor) bring your own lunch ,
    facilitator: Laura -Grace Anderson
  • Thursday morning: Sept. 17-Nov.5, 7-8am. ( # 236 Wesleyan building)
    facilitator: Jayne Rideout

Opportunities for Everyone:

  • Sunday Mornings: Sept. 13-Nov.1
    8:30-9:45am room # 319, 320 MFLC yes childcare
    9:45-11:00am room # 321, 320 MFLC Sunday school available for all ages (Cornerstone Class)
    11-12:15pm room # 313 MFLC yes childcare
  • Wednesday Evenings: Sept. 16-Nov. 4, 6:30-7:45pm room # 316 MFLC (Yes Childcare Register Here)

Opportunities for Students and Young Adults:

  • Sunday Mornings: Sept. 13-Nov.1
    Students: 11-12:15pm Resource Center
    Young Adults: 11-12:15pm Location TBD