First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

Hearts & Hands for Hurricane Harvey and Irma

  1. Please pray for those whose lives have been impacted by Harvey and Irma. Please also pray for Early Response Teams, disaster coordinators, and the many volunteers who are working tirelessly to provide relief.
  2. Give to UMCOR’s relief and recovery efforts: U.S. Disaster Response, Advance #901670 at ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of your donation will go to help those affected.
  3. Donate only those items requested! They do not have the staff or facilities to sort and distribute at this time.
  4. Please wait for an invitation to volunteer. We will send teams once notified.

We will be collecting monetary donations after worship for the next 4 Sundays.

Learn more at:

Responding to Hurricane Harvey

Responding to Hurricane Harvey

Over the last week, as we have watched the tragic events in coastal areas of Texas unfold, our hearts have gone out to the people of Houston and the surrounding areas. We all feel the urge to be the hands of Jesus in a time like this and we feel the call to respond.

The United Methodist Church is in a great position to do just that. Our own United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is poised to react in any disaster, and UMCOR has trained Disaster Relief specialists on the ground in the Houston area. 

At this time, they are requesting donations to help them best serve all the people in need in the area. This Sunday, and each Sunday in September, we will be accepting donations to UMCOR, with 100% of your donation going directly to disaster relief. Look for the orange buckets after each service to drop cash or checks. Or, you can help by making an on-line donation using the link here (select UMCOR fund):

Donate Here

Our Church’s Response – Heart & Hands for Harvey

Please pray for those affected and those responding.

Donate only those items requested! They do not have the staff or facilities to sort and distribute at this time.

Please wait for an invitation to volunteer. We will send teams once notified.

We have been in contact with a pastor at a local Houston church, who is a friend of Rev. Jayne Rideout. This particular church was deeply impacted, as some church staff and congregation members have lost everything. We are making a church-wide commitment to partner with this Houston-area church for the coming year. In this time of chaos and uncertainty, they are still unclear on what their greatest and most immediate needs are, but we will remain in contact with them. Watch for more information as we inform our congregation of opportunities to serve our Houston neighbors in the coming weeks, months and year.