First United Methodist Church

Spring Serve Day - April 28

10am Worship | Service Projects to Follow

Devotion: Psalm 121

This past weekend was one of those times when I really had to rely on God’s strength. For the first time ever, Ryan left for four days out of state and I had all three children by myself. I love my children and we have so much fun together, but because of their ages, my responsibilities over the weekend, Emmaline’s first sleepover and one of our three being sick, I had some anxiety around what those 4 days would bring. You see, my sweet husband is my Teammate and we are partners in all things so having him gone was tough. Ryan shares the load in so many ways at home with the cooking, cleaning and kids, so I was worried about being loving, patient and present without him there.

But here is where I saw God in the midst of it. When I named my fear about my doing this alone and gave myself grace, I ended up feeling loved and blessed by my kids in ways I didn’t expect. For instance, I could feel God in the hugs from my son, or in the help I observed from my oldest or in the laughter of the baby. I felt strengthened when I got a text from a friend that was checking on me or a call from my parents to see if I needed anything. It doesn’t matter how many times it happens, I still need reminding; when I am weak, God is strong. When I let go and let God, I am amazed that I am not alone. When I am honest about my shortcomings and fears, my children meet me with confidence and grace. And I don’t know why it hasn’t sunk in yet, but I keep needing a refresher course on this.

I choose this Psalm for us to pray over this week because I found agreement in these words. The Psalmist starts right off by debunking a common lie. In those days, when these words were first penned, sacrifices and priests and fertility gods happened at the tops of mountains, so a believer in these pagan practices were told just to fix their eyes to the highest place to be strengthened. And as we look at our culture today, the “pagan” practices of our day tell us the lie that we need other’s approval to be content, that we have to have our act together to be loved, that we are judged based on our appearance, wealth, education or orientation…but all of those pressures are lies and those lies run counter to the truth of the Gospel.

As you read this Psalm, my hope for each of us is that we can not only profess with our lips but know deep in our bellies that our strength comes from God. And that God won’t let us stumble. Not only that, but that nothing is too small, silly or trivial for God to pay attention to. At first I thought it was silly to be so worried about solo-parenting this weekend and how I should just stop whining and just be thankful that I have children to care for. But God cares about each of our fears, doubts and insecurities because our God never lets us walk alone. I hope this Psalm will encourage you this week and I invite you to share one place in your lives where you are afraid and where you need strength.

121 1-2 I look up to the mountains;
does my strength come from mountains?
No, my strength comes from God,
who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.

3-4 He won’t let you stumble,
your Guardian God won’t fall asleep.
Not on your life! Israel’s
Guardian will never doze or sleep.

5-6 God’s your Guardian,
right at your side to protect you—
Shielding you from sunstroke,
sheltering you from moon stroke.

7-8 God guards you from every evil,
he guards your very life.
He guards you when you leave and when you return,
he guards you now, he guards you always.

Psalm 121 The Message

Psalm 69 – Seeking Salvation in the Depths

In the coming weeks, Pastor Rachel and I will share some of the most helpful and inspiring Psalms in our weekly devotional. Today, I want to share one that has impacted me the most. At first glance, it may seem like an unusual choice, but its theme of chaotic waters that run throughout the entire Bible is what draws me to it. Psalm 69 is straightforward and poignant, with a message that resonates deeply with me: “Help me! I’m about to drown.” Perhaps you haven’t physically been there, but we have all experienced similar emotions and can empathize. Please take a moment to read Psalm 69 and continue reading the rest of this devotional.

Psalm 69 beautifully captures the cry of a soul that is overwhelmed by trials, sinking in deep waters without any support. This theme resonates deeply with anyone who has experienced the engulfing floods of despair or persecution.

The Psalmist starts by expressing their dire situation: waters have risen to their necks, and miry depths threaten to pull them under. They find no resting place for their feet. These waters symbolize the overwhelming difficulties and the sensation of being lost in the trials of life without relief. The floods engulfing them depict the relentless waves of hardships that sometimes seem to define our existence.

Water is used in two different ways in the Bible. When it is used as fresh water, we see that it gives life and restores life. However, the opposite is true when salt water or ocean water is used. We see the flood waters overtaking us and get lost in the waves. This concept can be traced back to creation, through the flood, past the Red Sea event, and through many of the Psalms.

In their moment of despair, the Psalmist turns to the only source of hope they know—God. They plead with urgency, “Save me, O God,” asking for divine intervention when human efforts fail. The psalmist is exhausted from calling for help, both physically and emotionally. However, their faith leads them to the throne of grace, expecting God’s love and salvation to answer, even in their weariness.

The Psalmist’s language transforms from despair to a declaration of praise and trust in God’s unfailing love. They vow to praise God’s name in song and glorify God with thanksgiving, which pleases the Lord more than any sacrifice. This shift from petition to praise is crucial—it is an act of faith, recognizing that even when the waters rise, God’s purposes for us are rooted in God’s love and justice.

The closing verses of the psalm not only assure the individual sufferer but also the community. The poor will see and be glad, Zion will be saved, and its cities rebuilt. Those who love God’s name will dwell there, a promise that extends the hope of restoration and peace to all who trust God’s salvation. This promise of restoration and peace is a beacon of hope in our darkest times, reminding us that God’s salvation is sure, and God’s love is unfailing.

As we reflect upon Psalm 69, let us remember that even in our deepest despair, we are not forsaken. God listens to the cries of the needy and does not despise those who are captive. We can trust that God’s salvation is sure and that this assurance will guide us through our darkest moments. We can cling to the hope that the same God who raised the Psalmist from the depths is the same God who offers us a saving hand today. We see this theme continue into the New Testament as well. Jesus walked on the chaotic waters and calmed the sea, and in the last pages of the Bible, the book of Revelation reveals that two things will be missing in the New Heaven and the New Earth: darkness and chaotic waters. Someday, we will no longer drown in the deep.

General Conference

Watch today’s update with Pastor David to learn more about the General Conference.

Devotion: Psalm 62

Psalm 62 NIV

Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

How long will you assault me?
Would all of you throw me down—
this leaning wall, this tottering fence?
Surely they intend to topple me
from my lofty place;
they take delight in lies.
With their mouths they bless,
but in their hearts they curse.

Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God[c];
he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.

Surely the lowborn are but a breath,
the highborn are but a lie.
If weighed on a balance, they are nothing;
together they are only a breath.
10 Do not trust in extortion
or put vain hope in stolen goods;
though your riches increase,
do not set your heart on them.

11 One thing God has spoken,
two things I have heard:
“Power belongs to you, God,
12     and with you, Lord, is unfailing love”;
and, “You reward everyone
according to what they have done.”

For those of you that know me, you have probably figured out that I don’t rest well. Maybe I was drawn to this Scripture today because I am tired, or maybe the Holy Spirit had something in mind for you today too. In this busy world, we elevate and reward the “go-go-go” lifestyle even though we know it is not healthy or life giving. Even as a pastor, you would think that I had built in insight to resting well, but I clearly do not, and it seems like a habit that the week after Holy Week, I am learning this all over again. As I have pastored at this church over the last four years, so many of you are so encouraging toward me as you see the work I do, the young family I am raising and the many plates I am spinning at one time. I will hear from you from time to time, “I don’t know you do it!” And this is meant as an encouragement and probably also a prayer that you are hoping I can keep on, keeping on and stay the course. But if I can be really honest today, I don’t always know how I am doing it too other than to say that God’s grace is made perfect in my weakness, and I have A LOT of weakness. And it comes out most when I am really tired and at the end of my rope. I have noticed how when I am burning the candle on both ends, God fills in the areas where I am not measuring up with God’s abounding grace.

I believe that Psalm 62 has a good word for us about resting in the right things, so I invite you to sit with this passage of Scripture this week. As we have just walked through Lent and Easter, we felt that it would be helpful to study the Psalms in our devotional time together, especially in light of the resurrection. Jesus often quoted from the Hebrew Bible and used the book of Psalms in his own prayers, and so can we read these prayers through the lens of the hope of resurrection? For the next two months, Pastor Philip and I will be spending time with a few specific Psalms and then sharing how it brings us hope and healing.

As I re-read Psalm 62 today, I am struck by the ambiguity of the “THEY.” In some Psalms, the “THEY” is the named enemy which is usually an oppressive country or brutal army. But if I am reading this Psalm through the lens of resurrection, I could just as easily be to blame. My own unhealthy habits or internal expectations could be the “THEY.” Let me explain. If I am consistently resting in the Creator, to let God be my fortress, and finding my salvation in God alone, then I am truly living into the person God has called me to be. But I am here to tell you that I don’t always nor do I consistently do this. Because sometimes I have created my own fortress of people pleasing tendencies. Or my pastoring and my abilities to live into that calling has become my salvation. Or my rest is based on earning rather than being. When this happens, I am far from resting in God because I have made myself the Lord of my own life, not Jesus.

As I was processing this Psalm, I came across a post from another pastor mentor of mine who quoted these words from one of her favorite authors, Nicola Jane Hobbs.

“Instead of asking, ‘Have I worked hard enough to deserve to rest? I’ve started asking, ‘Have I rested enough to do my most loving, meaningful work?”

What powerful words that really flip the script on our desperate need to find rest in the real life-giving way God intended it to be. I won’t always get this right, but these words hit me deep. This mixed with my own exhaustion and the words of Psalm 62, it seems like God might be trying to tell me something…huh…I wonder.


Planned Giving

Watch today’s update with Pastor David and Dean Bosco to learn more about planned giving and our upcoming workshop.

Devotion: Growing Trust in a Loving God

Well, it seems that we have reached our midway point during this Lenten journey together and we are halfway on our journey to the cross. I thought I would start today’s devotion by reminding you that it is not too late to engage your faith in a deeper way, even though we are halfway through these forty days. There is still time to participate in one of the Bible Studies at 10am on Sunday mornings or join me for our Thursday afternoon strolls around Blue Jacket Park from 2-3pm. We have had people join in every week and we have learned to walk with wonder and have some faithful conversations with one another.

One of the conversations we shared last week circled around trust. One of the questions we asked each other, from Jim Harnish’s devotional book, Easter Earthquake, went like this.

When have you doubted God’s promise in your life or for the world?

I openly admitted that as a Pastor, I do sometimes doubt. Not often the plans for my life, but the plans for the world because I look around and it seems like quite often, the world is a hot mess. I know I am not alone in this feeling because I think we all struggle with trust and doubt. We look at the way things are unfolding around us with hungry children, countries in armed conflict, divisive and unethical political leaders, anger and poverty and addiction and on and on it goes and we are left wondering if we can really trust whole heartedly. I will admit that I have had seasons when I have told God how I think life should be, how, if I was “running the show” I would plan to make a few improvements. But then I struggle to give my husband and three children the same level of love, attention and investment on a daily basis and quickly realize that I could never handle all that God is handling. So maybe I should be me and let God be God.

Instead, I am trying to work towards being a person that you can trust. If I represent God with my words and actions and I want others to trust God, then I must work at being a trustworthy representative.

Maybe you and I struggle to trust God because we are afraid, maybe we struggle to trust because we are relearning how to love God and be the church or maybe we are struggling to trust because ultimately, we are uncomfortable when things are out of our control. Whatever the reasons, I want you to know that in this season of Lent, I am learning to trust God in personal and communal ways too and I don’t have it all figured out. Instead, I am learning to lean on God when my to do list is long and the hours are short, learning to trust God with our family’s finances and future plans, and I am still figuring out how to fall into the arms of a good God in areas like my health and my calling. I am not completely there yet, but I am on the journey with you.

A song I have been listening to recently that reminds me of my growing trust in a loving God is called “Goodness of God” which has been sung by several Christian artists. The one below is CeCe Winans and I hope her voice and this song blesses you and the lyrics move you as you listen to it during your devotional time this week. AMEN

Devotion: Creation Heals

I’d like to introduce you to Lanecia Tinsley. This is our last devotional as part of our series featuring Black Theologians. She is a theologian but also an artist. Her story is beautiful and powerful. The video is a little longer than we usually share (14 min), but this video is worth your time. Allow it to speak to you and wash over you. 

More About Lanecia:

Lanecia Rouse Tinsley is a creative based in Houston, TX & her work includes photography, painting, mixed media, teaching, writing & speaking. Lanecia has a Bachelor of Arts, Sociology from Wofford College and a Master of Divinity from Duke University Divinity School. Studio D at Hardy & Nance Streets Studios is where her creativity often blooms. Most days you will find her there sipping on a cup of coffee with music playing as she creates work that reflects what life has revealed to her about healing, freedom, and beauty found in everyday experiences. Acrylics, pastels, charcoal, paper, and encaustic wax are my mediums of choice. Life has taught her that we all have creative potential and the need to encounter beauty. As an artist, she believes her call is to create opportunities for people to encounter beauty through the work of her hands & the spaces she cultivates for them to tap into their creativity. It is an absolute delight for her to create art that draws people into spaces of vulnerability, hope, complexity, and freedom.

Today’s Video: Creation Heals

By Lanecia Tinsley

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Digital Presence Update

Watch today’s update to learn more about our online worship and digital presence.

Security Task Force Update

Last year, our church’s Leadership Council formed a Security ­Task Force charged with assessing the safety and related security procedures of both our Winter Park Campus and the Reeves Center. After 6 months of intensive review and stakeholder engagement, this team has proposed a phased recommendation that demonstrates our commitment to creating a secure environment while preserving the welcoming spirit of our church. The Leadership Council unanimously approved this proposal and asked the team to move forward with implementation and funding. The same team will begin to outline the actions, schedule activities, and continue to communicate as we progress. Below is an outline of key recommendations with estimated costs.

Phase 1 (Immediate Action for 2024):

  • Emergency Procedures & Training: Specialized training in emergency preparedness for staff and volunteers. Developing security policies that focus on areas within our church that house vulnerable populations, such as children and members of Brain Fitness Academy. (Total Cost: $0 – covered by existing budgets)
  • Minimize Entry Points: Enhancements include access controls (badge access and keypads), gates, and fence installations on both campuses. (Total Cost: $107,100)
  • Cameras and Surveillance: Upgrades and additions to the surveillance system for improved security monitoring. (Total Cost: $35,300)
  • Lighting: Improvements to enhance safety and visibility in parking lots and courtyards. (Total Cost: $31,500)
  • Existing Safety Items: Maintenance checks to enhance the reliability of safety features. (Cost: $0 – part of regular maintenance)
  • Phase 1 Contingency Plan: Provision for unforeseen expenses. ($5,000)

Phase 2 (Planned for 2025):

  • Security Officers: Introduction of professional security personnel during critical times. ($50 an hour)
  • Sanctuary Doors: Upgrading external doors for better security. ($60,000)

The Marcy Trust has generously provided a grant of $69,000 toward our Phase One expenditures of $178,900. We are asking for financial support from our church community for the remaining $110,000. Your generous donations will directly contribute to safeguarding our congregation and ensuring a safe, welcoming space for worship and fellowship. Together, we can achieve a secure environment that reflects our shared values and commitment to the well-being of all members of our church family. We ask that you pray for the work of this team and look for more information as the implementation begins. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Philip at

Devotion: Emerging Wholeness

Before I introduce you to one of my favorite female theologians, I want to invite you to participate in one of our many opportunities to repent, remember and contemplate on Ash Wednesday, February 14.

Next Wednesday morning, the Pastors will be giving ashes to our 300 children and 71 teachers at our two preschools in the morning Chapel services, and then in the evening, you are invited to our Ash Wednesday family experience with a potluck meal, prayer stations, and a shortened worship service starting at 7pm.

If you have a free hour during lunch, or you can’t make the evening service, I invite you to come to the Chapel from 12-1pm for a time of quiet meditation and the imposition of ashes. I will be offering ashes and a quiet place to pray and I would be honored to pray with you at the altar if you would like. Ash Wednesday is a full and holy day to experience God’s love and the reality of our own mortality and so I hope you will be able to participate with us next week.

Now on to the task at hand. A female theologian whom I have read from a lot over the last two years is the Rev. Dr. Barbara Holmes, who frequently writes for the Center for Action and Contemplation. I have mentioned before how life giving the devotions on CAC (Center for Action and Contemplation) have been for me ever since they were introduced to me by my Spiritual Director. Now I read the daily devotions, prayers, poems, and I am drawn deeper on the journey of Contemplation. Rev. Dr. Barbara Holmes writes many of these devotions and in early January, she considered the collective resilience needed in times of crisis. She writes:

“Where is your community hurting? Where can you be of help to that community? What resources and gifts do you possess that will enhance the healing of your own body and of your community? As a village, we have a sacred duty to respond to the crises of oppression and injustice. We have a responsibility to respond to the suffering of others around us. But first, we have to figure out who we are, how we’re going to show up, and how we’re going to work with others, our neighbors, in a communal response to crisis.”

I have to admit, I was really struck with the first question. Where is your/our community hurting? That question gave me pause and I had to really think it over. To know the hurting of our community, means we know, I mean really know, our community. It means that we have relationships with those we have affinity towards as well as those that don’t look, dress, vote or live like we do. That was how the early church grew and I am convinced it is how the Church of Jesus Christ today will grow as well. By really knowing the communities we find ourselves in and then meeting the needs of those who are hurting.

Maybe this will be a challenge for you to consider this Lenten season; to really look for the hurting in the spheres of influence you find yourself in. And then ask God to reveal the gifts and resources you might already have that can bring about some healing.

If you haven’t had a chance to read or listen to the Rev. Dr. Barbara Holmes, she is quite an amazing woman. She is a spiritual teacher, activist and author who has many degrees including a Divinity and Law degree as well as a PhD and she is also one who over and over again in her life chooses to see joy in the midst of suffering. She has some good words for us in this short video if you have a few extra minutes to hear what breaks her heart and how she leans on God when she sees hurt in her community. I hope it is a blessing to you.

Today’s Video: Emerging Wholeness

By Rev. Dr. Barbara Holmes

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