First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

News & Devotions

Elevate Kenya Trip, Post #3: Happy Father’s Day from Naivasha!

Happy Father’s Day from Naivasha, Kenya! Although we missed celebrating with family, we spent the day celebrating Father’s Day with our new Kenyan friends and family.

Our eyes were opened this morning to an amazing way of worshiping God. The church service at Trinity United Methodist Church was three hours long! The morning flew by, however, because there was so much singing, dancing, and praising our God. Dancing in church…can you imagine? It was fun! We have all decided that we need to do this in our own church in Winter Park. Who is in?

After church we got to play games like Duck, Duck, Goose with children from the Sunday School. Those kids were so adorable! It is Winter here in Kenya. Many of the children were bundled up in sweaters and jackets. We Floridians were hot!

After church we all had lunch at a cool Kenyan restaurant. We ate Chinese food, Indian food, fried chicken, and pizza. Let me tell you – they had it all! And it was good!

After lunch we Skyped our family and friends from Winter Park Methodist Church. Some of our Panua students were with us and got to meet their prayer partners. It was quite moving.

Dinner was served at the hotel as usual- the Kenyan food is quite tasty. And we celebrated our own Heather Rodriguezs’ birthday with singing and a birthday cake. Happy Birthday, Heather!

Now we are all going to bed to dream about where our adventures will take us tomorrow. We love and miss you all!

~The Panua Elevate Mission Team