Month: July 2021
Renewal Leave Recap from Pastor David!
TCA “On The Farm” Week

Earlier in the Summer, Trinity Christian Academy had a special visit from the petting zoo for their “On the Farm” week. Each class had a chance to pet the farm animals and even hold some of them! What a wonderful way to enjoy God’s creation.
Devotion from Pastor Philip (July 28, 2021)

Traditional Service Bus Service

Starting this Sunday, a bus service will be provided for Westminster Towers and Westminster Baldwin Park residents to attend the 11am traditional service. For more information, email or call at 407-644-2906 the church office during the week.
Devotion from Pastor Craig (July 27, 2021)
Florida Annual Conference Recap from Pastor Rachel, Dr. Bob Constant, & Mary Scott Singer!
Such a Sharp Disagreement | Devotion from Dr. Jon
Devotion from the Rev. Dr. James A. Harnish (July 20, 2021)
TCA Science is Fun Week

Trinity Christian Academy had a visit from Mad Science during their Science is Fun week. The 3’s, 4’s, and Pre-K each had a chance to make MAD mixtures and explore science experiments together.
Name Tag Request Form

We want to get to know you! Make sure to wear your name tag on Sunday mornings. Please fill out the form below to request a name tag. Then, pick up your name tag on the 1st Sunday of the month at the Welcome Table in the courtyard.