First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

Seeing God | Devotion from Arnetta Rodgers, our Gracious Host Pillar Leader (Aug. 25)

Seeing God…

Today, on my early morning walk, I saw an Azalea blooming, quietly hidden low in a bush, soft, yet striking red. “An Azalea blooming in August?”,  I wondered.

Following several afternoons of heavy rainfall, in the garden of my patio, a tiny, pink Rain Lily bloomed…delicate and lovely… a welcomed surprise!

Colorful red, soft pink, gentle while Penta; gracious flowering Begonia; varigated Jasmin spreading its colorful vines; purple Bellflower; graceful pink Caladium; gentle Rabbit Foot Fern swaying in a pot; tiny purple blossoms bursting from Peacock Ginger…

A Hydrangea Bush, recently moved to a sunnier location, is beginning to perk up!

Cuttings from Impatiens, overgrown and tenderly watered daily, planted in a quiet corner of my patio, are also perking up!

Angel Wing Begonia, drooping with lovely pink blossoms, bring smiles and joy!

Often, in my search for God, I look no further than my tiny patio. There is God in the beauty of flowers.

Thanks be to God for His creation!

“… you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” Deuteronomy 4:29