First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

Making a Difference

Recently, we asked for a gently used tent for one of our unhoused neighbors. Stuart Bogue met Julian while distributing Street Eats bags and approached us with his need for a tent. We received one almost immediately and Stuart was able to deliver it.

“I finally saw the young gentleman last night and he was so excited to receive the tent! Julian told me that it was his 27th birthday and he felt like he was getting a present. He was all smiles when I pulled the tent from my car. I know it meant the world to him. Please let the person know who donated the tent how much he liked it, and that it was going to help him get a peaceful night’s sleep for his birthday.” ~Stuart

Thank you to Stuart, to our tent benefactor, and to those who assemble and distribute Street Eats bags. YOU are the hands and feet of Christ serving our community!

Nursery Staff Celebration

On Sunday, May 19 we celebrated 9 nursery staff member graduates! Seven of these will go off to college in the fall. We also celebrated the new staff that will be taking their place.

We are so thankful for all of the nursery staff that take care of the youngest members of our church family!

Meet Felicia Coleman!

Please welcome Felicia, our new Children’s Ministry Coordinator. Felicia is a long-time United Methodist, with a passion for children’s ministry and helping families flourish in their faith. She has a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Religion and many years of experience as a Children’s Ministry Director.

“My goal is for children to form a solid foundation in their faith so that they can use it to continue to thrive in the church and in the world.” ~Felicia

We are blessed to have her on our Family Ministry Team and part of our church family!

Power and Privilege Workshop

On Tuesday, May 14, 2019, twenty of our leaders and advocates for diversity participated in a profound and thought-provoking workshop entitled, “Understanding Power and Privilege.”
Barbara Thompson, our trusted guide from UCF’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, once again took us on journey to open our hearts and minds to the blindspots that exists in the privilege and the oppression that operates around race, gender, and sexual orientation. It was eye-opening, and a tip of the iceberg of what it means to be disciples of Christ.