First United Methodist Church

Spring Serve Day - April 28

10am Worship | Service Projects to Follow

A Resounding ‘Yes’!

Last Sunday, a couple hundred members filled our sanctuary to respond to Leadership Council’s call to vote regarding the adoption of the Reeves Property. For those of you who missed the church conference, here’s a quick recap. Jeff Hanniford, Chair of our Leadership Council, presented the proposal to all the attendees. Members were then invited to ask questions regarding the proposal. Here are a few of the questions asked in a paraphrased format.

  • Property NameChurch Member: What’s the new name of the Reeves Property? Pastor David: Naming the location will be a long process, involving many people.
  • Volunteers NeededChurch Member: How many volunteers are required to run the ministries at Reeves? Jeff: We will live into that as we do not know those numbers yet.
  • Amount of Property Church Member: How much property is at Reeves? Jeff: There is a lot of potential including a house, compared to South Street where we were limited in building the campus out.
  • Money SpentChurch Member: How much money has the church already invested in Reeves? Bill Legg, Chair of Trustees: $50,000 funded by FUMCWP; but in totality over $130,000 paid in part by the Marcy Trust and FL Conference reimbursement. Pastor David: The Feasibility Study was the only other funding from FUMCWP in addition to that. 

Following the time of Q&A, members were encouraged to give speeches in favor or against the proposed adoption. Denominational rules state that members are permitted to give up to 3 speeches for each of the two positions. After 3 speeches in favor and 1 in opposition, a vote was called. Our members present at the church conference gave a resounding ‘Yes’ to the adoption. 

Our Future at Reeves

As our church family moves forward expanding ministries into this property, we understand it will be a slow, strategic and prayerfully guided process. Look for more updates and opportunities regarding Reeves.