First United Methodist Church

Spring Serve Day - April 28

10am Worship | Service Projects to Follow

Eco-Friendly Green Tip for Gardeners

Last Sunday, our Green Team had a table in the courtyard to celebrate Earth Day.  To follow up, this ministry will be sharing Green Tips so that we can all be better stewards of the environment. 

Eco-Friendly Green Tip for Gardeners

Using pesticides and weed killers may be the easiest and most obvious way to keep your garden under control, however, these harsh chemicals can cause substantial damage to the environment. In addition, these chemicals pose a danger to our wildlife and insects such as butterflies, hummingbirds and bees. Here are a few alternatives to the harsh chemicals:

  • Apply natural fertilizers, such as your own garden compost, to help your plants grow vigorously and therefore more resistant to pests and parasites. Winter Park offers free backyard composters for residents.
  • Use plants that have been specifically bred to be resistant to common diseases and problems.
  • Remove weeds by hand rather than dousing them with weed killers.
  • Plant your garden densely, which makes it harder for weeds to get a foothold in your soil.