First United Methodist Church

Spring Serve Day - April 28

10am Worship | Service Projects to Follow

SOUL Mission Team

SOUL is running a Parables and Problem Solving Camp for the kids of South Street. They are also serving in the community and renovating parts of the South Street Campus.

Cuba Mission Trip

Cuba. A journey into the past. Aging infrastructure, crumbling roads and vintage 1950’s era cars. And… smothering heat! Our small team shared worship with four Methodist churches in eastern Cuba, and along the way we met some amazing folks. I would not necessarily describe the plight of our brothers and sisters on the island as desperate, but the conditions are poor, and the need is great. The average monthly income is $10 to $15. The price of an egg is $0.30. Yet the passion flows, and we found the Holy Spirit in every house, and in every heart. We were humbled. We were inspired. We grew!