First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

Holy Week

Lent Worship Services

March 24, Holy Thursday



March 25, Good Friday

Service of Darkness


March 27, Easter

6:30am – Sunrise service

8:00am and 11:00am – Traditional Worship

8:00am and 9:30am – Contemporary Worship


FUMCWP would like to invite everyone who worships with us to join us as we all read as a community, Earn, Save, Give: Wesley’s Simple Rules for Money by Rev. James A. Harnish. We will spend four weeks focusing our sermons and reading together, starting April 17-May 8. This is a short, but powerful book that considers John Wesley’s teaching on money, “Earn all you can, save all you can, and give all you can.”

Books will be for sale in the front of ce during the week for $8.

Groups that will be reading and discussing this book:

  • Tuesday Men’s Group -April 19-May 10, 7-8am
  • Women’s Early Risers-April 21-May 12, 7-8am
  • Men’s Thursday morning Group- April 21-May 12, 7-8am
  • Women’s Monday Bible Study- April 18-May 9, 11:30-1pm


Family Serve Day

We had a great Family Serve Day on Saturday at Warren Willis Camp – 24 members sealed wooden benches, installed new bench supports, cleared landscape at the high ropes course and gleaned citrus from the grove!  After all that hard work we enjoyed a picnic lunch together and roasted marshmallows & had yummy smores for dessert!