First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

Devotion: Manna

Half- Year Financial Update

Devotion: The Greyhound Bus

I want to tell you a story; so grab your morning coffee or afternoon cup of tea and see if you can picture where God was at work in this experience.

This past weekend I had a little adventure. One of my dear friends from seminary is getting ready to get married and once she gets married, she will move down to Florida to join her husband. In seminary, we had a Covenant Group of 7 women, all young United Methodists, all on either the deacon or elder track and we have seen each other through a lot. I was the first one of us to get married and the first to become a mother. Each of us has been at or in each other’s weddings and we have thrown countless showers in support of each other over the years even though I am in Florida, four are in North Georgia, one is in California, and one is in England. My seminary sister Brittany is the last of us to get married, and so the rest of us wanted to throw her a Bridal shower. We decided on having it in Alpharetta right outside of Atlanta and so began the quest of getting there at 8 months pregnant. I immediately vetoed driving myself 16 hours this close to my due date and flying didn’t seem like a possibility either, so I bought a roundtrip bus ticket on the Greyhound.

Yes, you read that right. I headed out Friday morning and came back at 1:30am on Sunday morning. People thought I was CRAZY! Maybe you do too while reading this but let me tell you all of the ways Jesus showed up on the Greyhound bus this past weekend.

First, this idiot pastor of yours thought there was such a thing as “long-term” parking at the Orlando Greyhound station. (I clearly didn’t do my research). When I arrived Friday morning and realized that there were only Tow-Away zones on the property, I immediately began to pray for a solution. I found a woman in an official uniform and explained the situation. I told her that this was my first time at Greyhound (obviously) and did she know of another property within walking distance that I could park at? I explained that my husband is a pastor and we had two small kids and so coming to pick me up in the middle of the night early on a Sunday morning wasn’t ideal. She stopped what she was doing, asked me where my car was parked and wrote down my plate details. Then she told the Security Guard, while pointing at my car, “You see that black car with the Florida plates and the missing hubcap, don’t tow it. This pregnant woman will be back for it early Sunday morning!”

I was in awe of this and asked her how she was able to pull such strings and she said, “Sweetie, I’m the manager here!”

…Okay, thank you Jesus!

When it was time to board, I vigilantly watched my blue suitcase to make sure it got loaded onto the bottom of the bus, which it almost didn’t, but at the last minute a handler retrieved and threw it on right before we backed away from the station.

…Okay, thank you Jesus!

I managed to secure a seat all by myself and keep a seat to myself which gave me much more room than I would have gotten even on an airplane. And every time we made a stop and more people got on, I silently prayed, “don’t pick the seat next to me, please” and for 8 hours there and back, I kept a seat to myself.

…Okay, thank you Jesus!

When I returned to Orlando early on Sunday morning, low and behold, my car was still there, but right beside it was a giant branch that had fallen and broken apart and had I parked one spot over, would have cracked my windshield.

…Okay, thank you Jesus!

I share this story with you because I saw God show up a whole lot more this past weekend because I was in an uncomfortable situation. While I will choose faster travel means in the future, I marveled at the opportunity it presented me to see a different part of God’s people. Don’t get me wrong, I have traveled extensively across Europe and have always been open to new adventures. I usually travel with others though and never at 8 months pregnant. What God reminded me so clearly this weekend is just how much God loves His people. Not just the people I interact with at First United Methodist Church of Winter Park or my children’s school or in the Central Florida region. God loves the Haitian man that sat behind me and the man with face tattoos and the woman with a broken cell phone and the family who had to carry their belongings in a plastic bag. God loves me as much as God loves them. They may never have other means or resources to be able to travel as I do, but they are no less light bearers in this world. The woman from New York who was trying to get to Brunswick who had been on a bus for 30 hours offered me part of her meal because she could see I am pregnant. You see, God’s light and grace is all around us if we have the courage to look into its eyes and see the face of Christ.

What I am beginning to see more and more, is that the rest of the world does not live like you and me. Most of us are living in a privileged state and comfortable with our resources and means. This is not a state of judgment, only observation. And I would say that when we live with means, we need experiences like I had this weekend to be reminded about the vastness and wide diversity of God’s love. I think there is also something to be said about when we are uncomfortable or in less than comfy situations, it CAN open us up to seeing God at work in ways we never expected.

And so my prayer for you and my challenge for those in this faith community is to never turn down the opportunity to be in less than ideal situations because, in my experience, that is when God shows up in mighty ways. If you don’t believe me, look at a majority of the stories of transformation in Scripture and you will see a God that came to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. I believe Jesus came to shake things up in our lives with people not like us to show us just how high, how deep and how great is His love for us…for all of us.

…Okay, thank you Jesus!

August Sermon Series: Overview

Watch this update to learn more about our upcoming sermon series on the Book of Amos from Pastor David! For more information about how to join a small group during this series, email

Vibrant Family Update

Check out today’s update to hear about the ministries within our Vibrant Family Pillar from Pastor Rachel & Lynn Striepe! To learn more and to get involved with this pillar, email Pastor Rachel at

Explore the album below to see more from the ministries within this pilar.

Devotion: Choosing the Way of Jesus

Warren Willis Camp Update

Devotion: A Heart at Peace

Today, I wish to share a personal experience with all of you that informed this devotion because it has been something I have been reflecting on for the last four or five days now. I have been through a lot of up and down emotions since Friday’s Supreme Court Ruling and have had multiple conversations with Christians and non-Christians alike as we live into this new reality. Part of this ties to Pastor Philip’s sermon on Sunday regarding anger and part of this has to do with what God is teaching me while I am in relationship with people I don’t always agree with.

For the first time, in a long time, I decided to post something on Social Media, on my own page, using my own story and my own opinions. For the most part, there was positive feedback in the form of agreement, appreciation, and respectful conversation. But there is always a few that can ruin a good thing. As a pastor, I have never used Social Media to push an agenda, to endorse a candidate, to call someone out or to speak about things I know very little about. And so I prayed hard and processed deeply the words that I felt I needed to share as a woman of faith on the issue. I know that God was in it because I have heard from quite a few women and men who have struggled in their faith over the last few years and by me lending a voice and a personal opinion to the mix, a door was opened for conversation about the Christian faith, Scriptural interpretation and where Jesus is present when we struggle. I also know that this was of God because several of these people I hadn’t talked to since High School and so I am thankful that they reached out and I hope I can maintain a friendship with each of them. While those interactions were positive, one thing I learned in this experience over the last weekend is something I have always known but still hurts when it happens to you. The truth is this, not everyone will agree with me. This may sound obvious, but when members of your own family start to degrade and discredit you in a public setting, I found myself taking a deep breath and then pondering, if I am truly a follower of Jesus, I must find a way to have a Heart at Peace. I alluded to this in my pastoral Prayer on Sunday as well. How do you have a heart at peace when it seems like you have one conversation after another with someone that seems to have a heart at war? How do you peaceably engage with someone that is after you, in every sense of the word who wants to do very little listening and a whole lot more arguing? How do you act as the face of Christ when the person you are engaging with just wants to be right?

One of the most formidable books I have read and taught on over the last few years has been, The Anatomy of Peace, by the Arbinger Institute. I had a chance to plan a sermon series and Bible Study around this book at my last church. I may re-read it as we continue to walk through polarizing times as a nation and as a denomination. I don’t know about you, but I have felt like there has been one struggle, one disagreement, one divisive thing after another, especially over the last two or three months. And I can physically feel that part of me that wells up and gets a “hot nose” as we heard about on Sunday, when I perceive an attack coming on. Jesus was not a stranger to conflict and disagreements, and quite frankly I’m not sure where this idea of the ‘Precious and Gentle Jesus’ came from, but I think Jesus had a part of him that was constantly having to defend himself and his followers. I am sure there were moments that could have push his buttons and really made him angry, as we heard about on Sunday, but he used that righteous anger for reconciliation. Ultimately, Jesus is the best example of having a heart at peace when everyone else seems to want to go to battle. 

While I am nowhere near perfect in having a heart at peace, God has used specific experiences in ministry, in family and in society to help me learn how to have a heart at peace where I would otherwise go on the defense. I wanted to share a diagram with you that may help. The book talks about having a “way of being” and how there are essentially two ways of being. One is with a heart of war, where we see people as objects and the other is a heart at peace, where we see people as people. I’m sure you can guess which way of being I would encourage and which way of being Jesus modeled.

I want to encourage each of us reading this to have hearts at peace. Remember, no one was ever argued into a new perspective and all conflict isn’t bad. Social Media and Email isn’t the best way to communicate your strong views, but face to face conversation is the Biblical way and the best course of action for mature followers of Jesus. Intrapersonal conflict is inevitable in this thing called life, but the Holy Spirit is still at work even in the most tense of situations. I want to encourage you, as I learn this lesson myself, to always strive to have a heart at peace and to see people as people, not as objects. To honor their Imago Dei and their sacred worth, even if they seem like a piece of work in the moment. We remember that we are all broken, including ourselves and that God is not finished with us yet. I hope this diagram helps you think through how to choose a heart at peace in the midst of conflict. I hope this devotion speaks an encouraging word to you too because I am also on this journey, and we are figuring this out together!

The Anatomy of Peace, by the Arbinger Institute

Devotion: Guidance & Fairness

“That’s Not Fair”…this is a phrase we have heard a lot or thought a lot in our house over the last month. Maybe you can remember this season in your parenting and family life. We are hoping it is just a phase. Emmaline and Charlie voice this opinion quite frequently these days and when I am my best self; rested, patient and centered on Love of God and Neighbor, I can’t say I disagree with them. We learn early on as children that life isn’t fair. The sooner we learn this, the better. But even as an adult, I have this feeling from time to time because there is something innate in me that wants fair and reasonable circumstances for all. I desire this not only just for myself, but for all of God’s children. We can use the time when our children bemoan their unfair lives to remind them that they are right, life isn’t fair. That there are many children, just like them all over the world who are hungry, cold, sad or sick because life isn’t fair.

I don’t know if you are like us, but as Mom and Dad, Ryan and I try so hard to use this opportunity to teach about the vision for God’s Kingdom and how the world is still so broken. While many of us live in privileged places of comfort and support, this is not the reality for most. I serve on the Board of Directors for the Florida United Methodist Children’s Home and I can tell you that we are a blessed people and that most children in our world do not have the stability, support and resources that our children have. And it is our job as parents, grandparents and church leaders to paint a realistic picture for our next generation.

As I thought about this “fairness” conversation I am having with my own children and then listened to the Rev. Dr. Martyn Atkins this Sunday speak of God’s guidance and God’s will for us, I hear that small childish voice within me begin to protest, “that’s not fair…!” Why can’t I know God’s plans for me? Why can’t my future be clear? Why is faith so often about trusting blindly and what does this mean about the God we serve?

While I believe that God is a fair God and loves each of us equally, the world doesn’t play by those rules. In fact, from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth, it became clear that Jesus came to turn that idea of fairness upside down. For instance, who works a whole day in the heat of the fields while someone else only works an hour and they get paid the same…I mean, c’mon, that’s not fair! (Workers in the Vineyard Parable: Matthew 20:1-16). We worship a God who has turned our worldly understanding of fairness on its head and the beautiful thing in all of it is that it is completely God’s right to do so. And so if we apply the quandary of faith and the fairness we feel we are owed, we quickly see how there is so much mystery involved in this journey of ours. Maybe you can relate. And while I don’t have a “feel-food” answer for frustration, I can share from personal experience how much is learned on the journey through the act of waiting and humility. What I try to teach my children and remind my own heart of at times is that I can’t see all that is going on, but I trust the love of the Parent who guides and directs. It doesn’t all make sense to my children why things seem unfair, but they can trust my love for them, my deep desire to protect them and my hope for their future. I pray that as you wrestle with your own faith and find yourself shaking your fists up to God at times saying, “That’s Not Fair,” you can also rest in the love of the Great Parent and the promise of a future with hope!

Children’s & Student Ministry Update!

Hear from Pastor Philip, Pastor Leah, and Jared Tucker to learn how you can get involved with these vital ministries this Summer!

Children's Ministry (Nursery-5th grade)

Events & Service Opportunities: 

Family Movie Night

Vacation Bible School (Volunteers Needed)

Email Pastor Leah at to learn more.

Student Ministry (6th-12th grade)

Events & Service Opportunities:

SOUL (Serving Orlando with Unconditional Love)

Family Movie Night

ASP Mission Trip

Email Jared Tucker at to learn more.