First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

Confirmation 2017

Register Here

Confirmation refers to the decision a person makes to respond to God’s grace with intentional commitment, publicly reaffirming his or her baptismal vows before the congregation. During confirmation class, confirmands learn about the meaning of Christian faith, the history and teachings of The United Methodist Church, and an explanation of the baptismal and membership vows they will be professing.
Confirmation takes place over 11 weeks starting in January and ending in April on Confirmation Sunday. We meet in MFLC Room 313 during the Sunday School time (9:30-10:30am).Below is a list of dates including the Confirmation Retreat, Confirmation Sunday, and a few dates in which we will not be meeting:

  • Confirmation Starts: January 22nd , 2017
  • Confirmation Retreat: April 7th-9th, 2017
  • Confirmation Rehearsal/Dinner: April 20th, 2017
  • Confirmation Sunday: April 23rd, 2017
  • Confirmation DOES NOT meet: February 26th or April 16th

Please look over these dates and take them seriously. The Confirmation class teaches a lot of information in a relatively short period of time. We ask that your student attend every session and the retreat. The material builds on itself and there will be a make-up assignment due if you are absent.

While we enjoy ministering to the students in Confirmation each year, we cannot run Confirmation without the help of our many adult and student mentors. All parents are invited to join Confirmation as mentors! Student mentors must be in high school and will be selected based on merit, with priority given to older students. Adult mentors do not need to be Biblical scholars or teach lessons to the group- all you need is a passion for students, faith, and a willingness to serve. Mentors use a curriculum to co-lead small groups each Sunday before a large group lesson. Mentors are expected to attend each Confirmation session and the retreat. There will be a mandatory training (offered on two dates- but each mentor must attend one session) for adult and student mentors in January (dates TBD). If you are interested in mentoring and have questions, please contact Michael LeBlanc at