First United Methodist Church

Spring Serve Day - April 28

10am Worship | Service Projects to Follow

News & Devotions

weServe Mission Trip Luncheon

weServe Mission Trip Luncheon

We serve.  Our church family is a beautiful example of lives transformed when people with a passion step away from the comfort of familiar surroundings to go serve others.  At our recent Mission Trip Luncheon, more than 75 luncheon attendees celebrated 2017 trips to Dalton, Georgia, Baldwin, Louisiana, Los Chiles, Costa Rica and Naivasha, Kenya.  We heard from church members Rick Baldocchi and Katie Cornelius about why they serve in Costa Rica and Kenya, seeing God’s hand in the important work that they do through Agua Viva Serves and Panua Partners in Hope.

We heard from trip leaders about the 11 mission trips planned for the 2018 mission season and heard leaders share about all the ways God commands us to go and love others…in Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.  Attendees were moved and those who missed this chance to hear about opportunities to be in service to others are welcome to learn more at

More opportunities to learn about church-wide missions will follow the 9:30 service in MFLC gym in March.  Join us to learn more and find how you can serve more like Christ, whether in our community, our country or across the globe.