What do you do when you lose your way?
Do you run? Double down? Blame? Wait it out? Settle?
I certainly hope you found your way to “Show Me the Way I Should Walk In,” a multimedia art installation and contemplative journey which was open for four nights in October. The Reeves Center played host as we modeled an imaginative approach to spiritual formation, something we take very seriously at the Center for Creative Discipleship. We are always seeking new ways to illustrate the path from humility to wholeness.
If you missed the installation, I hope you can get a firsthand account from one of our inspired guests, volunteers, or collaborators. We divided the journey into three parts: a centering practice of listening and walking through a burlap-and-hallway labyrinth, a contemplative encounter with video, and a collective response to our grounding question “What do you do when you lose your way?”
These responses show a bit of the candor and wisdom that was written and hung on our tree by participants. I also had rich conversations about mortality, adolescence, church backgrounds, and the ways in which Christ sees us and knows us no matter how lost we might be.
If you’d like to read more about “Show Me the Way I Should Walk In,” please visit davidbwitwer.com/artist. And I would love to talk more about this and other efforts of the Center for Creative Discipleship. Find me on Instagram @davidbwitwer29 or on Realm.
Photography by Sebastian Rojas. Additional photos by David B. Witwer.