Becoming a member of FUMCWP is not a requirement for attendance or involvement, but we believe you’ll find the process both enlightening and enjoyable.
Church Location
125 N. Interlachen Ave
Winter Park, FL 32789
Join us in-person or watch sermons live online.
Activity Center
1100 N. Fern Creek Ave. Orlando, FL 32803
Reeves Ministries:
TCA Preschool
Studio 150 Dance*
Jobs Partnership
4 Pillars Counseling & Enrichment Center
*Takes place at both campuses
Fill out the form below or call our church office at 407-644-2906.
We have a variety of different groups for all adults at every life stage in your spiritual journey. From Small Groups, Sunday School Classes, Women’s Groups, and Men’s Groups – there is a place for you here! Scroll down to learn more about our adult opportunities. For more information, contact or visit our leadership page for the staff contact.
Adult Groups are an opportunity to gather for deep and meaningful conversations about scripture and topics of faith. It is also an opportunity to create relationships, get to know others in our church, and live out our faith in community as Jesus instructed us. The goal of all of these classes is empowering individuals to strengthen their spiritual gifts, extend care to those in need, and welcome and discuss new ideas in a safe setting. All are welcome.
Sundays, 10-11am, Wesleyan 222
Sundays, 10-11am, MFLC Library
Sundays, 10-11am, Fellowship Hall
The Sunday Study
Sundays, 10-11am, Wesleyan 203
Pastor David’s Bible Study
Thursdays, 11:45am-1:00pm
Interested in being part of Pastor David’s Bible study? A new group is meeting on Thursdays at the church to discuss the Bible text for the upcoming Sunday sermon. No homework preparation is needed. However, a commitment to make 50% of sessions between January 30 and April 3 is required. For more information email Pastor David at
Women’s Small Group
Sundays, 10-11am, Wesleyan 217
Women seeking to learn more about God to grow in faith. We have lively and heartfelt conversations about how God and the biblical text informs our everyday life. Email for more info!
WOW (Women of the Word)
Mondays, 11:30am-1:00pm, Zoom or In-person
Email for more information and the Zoom link.
Early Risers
Both in-personl and online groups engage in study of Old & New Testament scripture, relating to our modern live.
Tuesday Mornings (In-Person)
7-8am, Wesleyan Bldg 217
This group is studying the Books of Esther and Ruth.
Thursday Mornings (Virtual)
7-8am, Zoom
This group is reading “Surprised by Mary” by Jim Harnish. Email for the zoom link. Please email for the zoom link.
Small Groups for Moms
Connect with others and find support in a small group with other moms. This time together will be an informal way to gather, share joys & concerns, prayer requests, and to be reminded you are not alone in your journey. Email Rev. Leah Gaughan at
Women’s Book Club
Second Wednesday of the month, 10:00-11:30am, Matthias Family Life Center Library
Women Warriors
Meets once a month at various restaurants for food and Fellowship.
Email for time & location.
Hannah Circle
1st Thursday, 9:15am, Fellowship Hall
Hannah Circle is a community of moms who gather to support one another, and to partner with organizations supporting women and children in the Orlando community. Find out more about our annual sale at Hannah’s Closet.
Ruth UMW Circle
2nd Friday, 9:30am, Fellowship Hall
This group of women is our church’s connection with the United Methodist Women, a world-wide ministry that supports women and children locally, nationally, and around the world. They meet once a month for bible study, fellowship, and community service.
Tuesday Morning Men’s Group
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00am, Fellowship Hall
Thursday Morning Men’s Group
Thursdays, 7:00-8:00am, Zoom
Methodist Men’s Monthly Monday Meals (MMMMM)
Time and location vary.
Email for more information about our men’s groups.
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Copyright ©2021 First United Methodist Church Winter Park.