First United Methodist Church

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News & Devotions

Devotion: God Is Love

As a pastor and someone who has studied the Bible, I am incredibly guilty of reading theologians only from my faith tradition and who also happen to, sadly, look like me.

Over the next few weeks until the end of February, we will be sharing the perspectives of various black theologians with you. This study is an opportunity for me to learn, expand, and grow, and I hope it will be the same for you.

Today, we will hear from Monica Coleman, a theologian and professor focusing on Womanist theology. Womanist theology is the study of God through the lens of Black females. these scholars often find kinship in their anti-sexist, antiracist, and anti-classist commitments to feminist and liberation theologies.

Monica A. Coleman is committed to connecting faith and social justice. The interdenominational preaching magazine The African American Pulpit named Coleman one of the “Top 20 to Watch” – The New Generation of Leading Clergy: Preachers under 40. An ordained elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Coleman has earned degrees at Harvard University, Vanderbilt University and Claremont Graduate University. Coleman is currently Associate Professor of Constructive Theology and African American Religions and Co-Director of the Center for Process Studies at Claremont School of Theology in southern California.

I haven’t had the opportunity to read any of Monica’s books yet, but I am excited to include her theological perspective in my reading and contemplation. Throughout this series, it’s possible that you may encounter ideas that are new to you or that you don’t necessarily agree with. However, that’s precisely the point. There is a vast array of theological ideas out there, and it’s crucial that we expose ourselves to them and allow them to challenge us, even if we don’t see eye to eye on everything.

Here are some books written by Monica if you would like to study further.

Below is a video by Monica Coleman about her views on God. I especially like her view that the phrase “God is love” may not be a big enough phrase. The concept is that God knows us even deeper than someone who just loves us; God knows us as someone who loves with us, Grieves with us, hurts with us, is God with us.

May your thoughts and hearts expand as you listen to more voices this month.I hope that during this upcoming month, you are able to listen to a variety of voices and perspectives, and that this experience helps you to broaden your understanding of the world around you. May your heart and mind be open to new ideas, and may you gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity of thoughts and opinions that exist in our world.

Today’s Video: Life After Death

By Monica A. Coleman

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