An open invitation to our Upcoming Virtual Visioning Sessions
As our nation, state and community have more people vaccinated against COVID-19, we all seek a sense of normal. But what will normal look like? Will we just go back to living like we were in January 2020? Probably not. A lot has changed. Even church has changed, but God is calling us to still be the church. This means that we must adapt how we do ministry – to make it relevant to where people are today and find creative ways to share God’s love for all of us.
To help our church’s ministries respond to God’s call, we want your help. We’re inviting you to participate in virtual visioning sessions. In each session, ministry areas will share a short presentation and update on their values and priorities as we emerge from the pandemic. We will facilitate a visioning discussion where you will have the opportunity to share ideas and provide feedback for the future of the ministry area. We see the sessions as an opportunity to inform our church family about our vital ministries, gain your feedback about the ministries’ future and participate in shepherding the ministries’ resurgence into the new normal. Join us!
– Ben Howell, Leadership Council Chairperson