First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

Refugee Ministry

Important Ministry Update - February 3, 2025

For the past year, our church has partnered with Bethany Christian Services and their refugee resettlement program. This program supports refugees relocating to Central Florida through the US Department of State.  We assist Bethany with greeting refugees at the airport, refugee transportation, donations of household items and funding for basic living expenses like rent, utilities and groceries during the first three months after a family arrives in our community.  Together, we hope to help families to feel safe, loved, and connected as they settle into their new homes. 

Recently, the federal funding for Bethany Christian Services was frozen. Because of this sudden lack of funding, Bethany is now unable to financially support the refugee families who have relocated to Central Florida within the last 3 months. Of the 20 families in Bethany’s care, 6 families who arrived in early January 2025, are urgently in need of financial assistance while they finalize refugee status paperwork and find employment.

You are invited to join as the body of Christ and step into this time of uncertainty. We have neighbors in need of prayer, love and generosity. Please consider the following ways to offer prayer, love and generosity:

PRAYER – Pray for each of these 20 families and especially for the 6 families who have lived in our community only a few weeks.  Ask God to protect them just as God protected Jesus with God’s instruction to Joseph to flee to Egypt until the death of Herod.

LOVE – Offer a connection to employment. If you are a business owner, hiring manager or work in a field needing additional employees, please reach out to Clay at the email address below.  Adult refugees arrive in the United States with a variety of skills, education and training and with approval to legally start work once state specific paperwork is complete.  Let’s match these new neighbors to a job they will excel in!

GENEROSITY – On Sunday, February 2nd Pastor David Miller called for prayers and bus passes for families impacted by the funding freeze.  On Wednesday, February 5th, the church learned that additional funding for refugee living expenses fell through and the need was much greater than bus passes.  Please consider continuing to donate bus passes as well as monetary gifts to be used for basic living expenses.  100% of financial gifts will be used for living expenses including, but not limited to rent, utilities, food, transportation and healthcare.

Donate through FUMCWP

If giving online: 
Please select “Other Ministry” in the drop down box and type “Refugee Ministry” in the memo line.

If sending a check:
Please write Refugee Ministry in the memo line.

Purchase Bus Passes

Purchase Options: 
You can purchase a standard pass for fixed routes, including single-ride, all-day, 7-day, and 30-day options.

Our goal is to continue to offer prayer, love and generosity through the month of April. At the end of April, all current refugee families in Bethany’s care will be at the end of their 3-month initial resettlement phase. The church plans to re-evaluate the situation at that time, because, as you know, things are always changing.

For questions, more information or to get involved, please contact Clay Mitchell at Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ.  You are the church.

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2 

Ministry Stories

Clay and Kim's Story
We delivered household items from our church's Angel Tree to 5 refugee families after church last Sunday. Three families from Nicaragua and 2 from Venezuela. The excitement in their eyes was heart warming, and we felt their sense of relief when many needed items were laid out on the sidewalk at the apartment complex. Each family selected what they needed in a completely orderly and friendly manner. It was an answer to their prayers!
Clay and Kim, Volunteers from Winter Park
Kirsty’s Story
I see the emotional and spiritual impact volunteers and churches are having in the absence of the agency support. Refugee families have been terrified that they would end up on the street or sent back. This morning, I shared with a Nicaraguan family that we [the volunteers from their resettlement agency] would help pay their rent if the agency could not. The husband threw his arms up in the air and shouted "¡Gracias a Dios!". He got all choked up. Kirsty, Volunteer from Orlando
Kirsty, Volunteer from Orlando
Hector's Story
Hector is from Nicaragua. He's been here less than a month and he has a constant shell-shocked look about him. He and his wife are older but they have an 11-year-old son. It's clear that Hector cannot read or write and his wife cannot see clearly. Communication is very difficult. All documents, online forms, and communication through text and email, are done through an exuberant 11-year-old, who is as cute as can be.

The Need

We’re living through the worst refugee crisis in world history. Across the globe, 108.4 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide. Of these, 40% are children.

Coming to the U.S. as a refugee is the most difficult way to legally enter the country. Refugees undergo a more thorough vetting process than any other traveler to the United States. 

Learn More Today

To learn more about Beathany Christian Services and their refugee resettlement program, visit their website at the link below!

To talk to one of our church leaders, email or call our office at 407-644-2906.