First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

News & Devotions

Los Chiles, Akins Team – Post #4

This morning the team wrapped up our water meter installation project! After lunch, we drove through the Media Queso procario where Agua Viva installed the first well. It was quite humbling to see the living conditions in these communities, and quite obvious that they would not have had access to clean water without the good work of Agua Viva. Then we had the pleasure of going to the drill site go see the latest well come alive with water. Amazing!

Part of the group handed out more shoes to the community kids, and then continued the afternoon with VBS, where Lyndsey made balloon animals for the little ones.  We ate yummy mangoes off of the trees and headed back for our farewell celebration with the Agua Viva team, where we shared Communion.  Tomorrow we head to the resort for some R&R and play time!