First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

New Membership

Whether you are new to church membership or transferring from another church community, the decision to join a church family is a step in your faith journey that God encourages in the word.

You may have visited our church a few times and decided that it feels like home. Or, you may have been attending for a long time yet haven’t officially joined the fold.

Membership Process

Becoming a member of FUMCWP is not a requirement for attendance or involvement, but it does require a few vital steps. We believe you’ll find the process both enlightening and enjoyable. And you will meet new friends who, like you, want to enrich and grow their relationship with Jesus Christ.

STEP 1: Attend three new member classes. These classes are conducted 2 to 4 times per year and are designed to provide a solid background on the genesis and development of Methodism. Also, these classes will help you identify your unique gifts and pinpoint areas where you can serve in the church community. To inquire about the next New Member Class, please contact

STEP 2: Publicly recite joining vows with your fellow new members at the church service you regularly attend.

New Member Classes

Check back for the next new member classes!


  • Baptism. A holy sacrament in The United Methodist Church.
  • Reaffirmation of faith. Your commitment to Jesus Christ.
  • Transfer. Your transfer of membership from another Methodist Church or another denomination.


What if I have not been baptized?
If you have not been baptized, this will take place during worship before you recite your membership vows.

What if I have been baptized in another church?
If you have been baptized before, even in another denomination, that baptism is accepted.

What if I want to attend First UMC Winter Park but not become a member?
Please know that becoming a member is completely your decision. You can attend regularly and be involved in multiple ministries without church membership. FUMCWP will support you and your family wherever you are in you faith journey.