First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

Brain Fitness Academy

Brain Fitness Academy (BFA) supports community members experiencing early memory loss related to Mild Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, or other forms of dementia. Twice a week, members engage in mind and body exercises for four hours.

Participants value the connections they make with others facing similar challenges, finding comfort in shared experiences. They also benefit from the stimulating activities and physical exercises led by professional staff.

Fall Classes

Mondays & Thursdays:

Tuesdays & Fridays:

Schedule a Call:
Please email to schedule a pre-enrollment interview.

Make a Donation

Your gift can make a difference! To donate, click the button below and use the drop-down arrow in the Fund section to select “OTHER MINISTRY”.

Make sure to type “Brain Fitness Donation” in the memo line. 

Pay Class Tuition

To pay your class tuition, please click the button below and follow the instructions to complete your payment. 

  1. Enter Amount then use the drop-down arrow in the Fund section to select “OTHER MINISTRY”.
  2. Enter “Brain Fitness Tuition” on the Memo line.
  3. Select Gift Date, then Continue.