VBS registration is now closed, and we are no longer accepting students for the waitlist. Thank you for your interest; we hope you can join us next summer.
Vacation Bible School 2024: Camp Firelight, June 17-20, 2024 (Monday to Thursday) at FUMCWP.
VBS Campers join camp counselor Sam and Lu (short for Lumen the lightning bug) and learn to face their fears while trusting in God. Each day our Campers explore Bible stories that show how Old and New Testament Campers trusted God in the face of their own fears and went on to do great things in God’s name. This is always an awesome week of singing, dancing, bible stories, crafts, games, snacks, and more.
Serve With Us!
Volunteer sign-ups are now open at the link below.
VBS Volunteer Snack Donations:
Our Youth Volunteer Spaces for VBS are now full. Thank you for your interest!
Street Eats Donations
Vacation Bible School Students will be making Street Eats Bags this summer. We would love a donation of an item to create these bags of food for those who are hungry. Please drop your donations in the red bins on Sunday, May 5, 12, or 19, or in the courtyard/front office during the week. If you’d like to drop off in April, please contact leahg@fumcwp.org.