Cinnabar is a monthly film series designed around hospitality and curiosity. FILMS engage our full selves. They inspire, reveal, challenge, question, and enchant us. Cinnabar was born as a micro-ministry project of Kinfolk Young Adult Ministry and is still connected to our church in that way.
What do we do? Whenever we gather, the first thing we do is share food and drinks. Our host then offers an introduction and invitation to the film they chose and we watch together, whether under the stars or in front of a twenty-foot wall. Finally, we circle up to reflect together. Our one rule is we never say a film was good or bad; we just talk about the impressions it made on us.
Coming up on October 12th: First Cow
We’re looking forward to continuing Cinnabar Fall with André’s selection of the 2019 film First Cow by Kelly Reichardt. Here’s why he wanted to share it:
I notoriously have a negative gut-reaction toward period piece films. They remind me of my high school history teacher putting on an outdated VHS when he couldn’t be bothered. So, naturally, I was apprehensive when I pressed play on First Cow.
But from the very first frame, one thing stuck to me: an insatiable curiosity. I have found few films that have made me lean in, root for, and wonder more than this one. It’s probably not what you think it will be, and yet, it might just envelop you as well.
If that doesn’t sell you, you don’t know Cinnabar. Come be surprised with us at Ligature Coffee, just look for our new fancy signs.