Cinnabar is a monthly film series designed around hospitality and curiosity. Films engage our full selves. They inspire, reveal, challenge, question, and enchant us. Our church’s Kinfolk young adult ministry sponsors Cinnabar as a form of spiritual creativity in our Orlando community.
What do we do? First, we share a meal and reconnect with each other. Our host then offers an introduction and invitation to the film they’ve chosen and we watch together in a warm and welcoming space. After, we circle up to reflect together. Our one rule is we never say a film was good or bad; we just talk about the impressions it made on us.
Cinnabar Film series is celebrating 50 screenings!! Started in 2018 in the Marcy Chapel, Cinnabar continues to be sponsored by Kinfolk and the church. We’re showing Arrival on May 15th and throwing a party! Tickets are $15 for a pre-show dinner with catering and coffee drinks by Downtown CREDO.
Come at 6 for dinner or 7 for the free film and discussion.
Find out more on Instagram @cinnabarfilm or grab a ticket today on Eventbrite below.