First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

News & Devotions

Agua Viva Serves, Post #2: Ready for Work ?

“The group was super excited when waking up at 7:00am for breakfast. It was our first day of service for the entire day. After a delicious breakfast, the group got ready for a day of service by grabbing our boots and getting dressed into clothes. We rode in a van for two hours to get to the work site. After arriving, we had to dig out a trench to lay the pipes to allow houses to get access to clean water. The other group worked on the well. They dug the two holes by shoveling. After the morning of working, we had lunch in a local’s house. We all enjoyed rice and chicken with a homemade tortilla. We were all super full after so we got back to work. Some people went to Vacation Bible School to play with the kids. They made bracelets, played with balls, and bubbles. After that we came back to Thelma’s and had dinner. We were all super tired so we went to go to devotion, ice cream, and then bed.” 

~Macy Akins