First United Methodist Church

Spring Serve Day - April 28

10am Worship | Service Projects to Follow

News & Devotions

A Message from Pastor David

Dear Church Family,  

I am writing to let you know about several job eliminations that occurred within our church staff this week.  

As I mentioned at our Town Hall meeting last week, we are currently in a season of restructuring. This was made necessary by the unexpected Pandemic and season of isolation that has followed. In preparation, our church leadership spent several months reflecting on who God has called us to be as a church as well as the different ways doing church has changed in this new season. Ultimately, they arrived at reducing the staff budget by 15%. We feel this will help us be faithful in our stewardship of the church family.  

We recognize this reduction impacts real people and their families; known, loved and cherished members of our Church community. Each of these men and woman have faithfully served our church family. They have blessed us and contributed to the foundation of ministry that serves our community. We are grateful for the work they have done. We grieve at their departure from our paid staff and pray for them. In the interests of confidentiality, we are unable to celebrate them publicly in the way we would have preferred and they rightly deserve.  

In the coming weeks, we will be in prayerful consideration of the future of these ministries. We invite the lay leaders of these ministries to share their sense of God’s calling for the future. Please be in prayer for sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  

Thank you for all you are doing to support our family. Thank you for your prayers. May God bless us in the coming days.  

Pastor David Miller