First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

News & Devotions

Contemporary Worship Update

Over the past year, church leadership and the worship ministry have worked to evolve our contemporary worship service. If you regularly attend our contemporary service at 9:30am, you’ve likely noticed that we have rotated various worship leaders. Each leader is gifted with special talents and a unique worship style. Our church is intentionally investing in this new approach to worship. We are focused on identifying Worship Team Leads who dedicate their time to building lay worship teams. The idea is that each worship team rotates service responsibilities while engaging and growing our congregation – ultimately developing together spiritually.

We are pleased to share that Chev Lovett has accepted the position of Contemporary Worship Team Leader. The role means that Chev will serve as one of the Team Leads but will also identify other potential Team Leads. We are pleased to share that Jason Bailey is also a new Team Lead. Join us in officially welcoming Chev and Jason into their new roles within our church family.