First United Methodist Church

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9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

News & Devotions

2018 Florida Annual Conference

June 7-9, Lakeland, FL 
The 2018 Florida Annual Conference is just around the corner! The Annual Conference is a time when lay members and clergy from all the United Methodist churches in the Florida Conference gather for worship, fellowship, and to conduct the business of the church. It includes reports of past and ongoing work; adoption of future goals, programs and budgets; and ordination of clergy members as deacons and elders.
The Council of Bishops recently made a recommendation based on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward. This will be one of the topics of conversation at Conference. In Feb. 2019, a special General Conference called by the bishops in 2016 will be held to focus solely on the UMC’s positions on human sexuality.
Stay informed on the latest updates regarding the Way Forward: