First United Methodist Church

Service Times

9am Contemporary | 11am Traditional

News & Devotions

Confirmation Sunday 2018

Again, we celebrated this past Sunday as we confirmed nearly 50 students in faith! Some were in high school, some were new to our church, and some were sixth graders who were baptized and raised in this church.

This service was a culminating worship service, in celebration of the work God has done in the lives of these confirmands since our program started in January. Student and adult mentors gave up time and received from their investment valuable stories of lives changed and pointed towards Christ.

These groups served together and had fun together. In serving together, they saw what it means to walk in the life of Christian discipleship they claimed for their own on confirmation Sunday.

This Confirmation Sunday is another mile marker of the church’s fulfillment of the baptismal vows we made as a church. We walk with these students through their childhood up to this point. We, as a church family, support them as they color in the lines of their faith, making it their own. In confirmation, we now see what these young men and women will do with this faith. In hearing their stories and seeing their devotion to Jesus, we are blessed for what is to come!

Please continue to pray for our confirmands.

 2018 Confirmands