First United Methodist Church

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So many book donations!

Several new books have recently been added to our church library collection. Like most of our collection, these books were donated by church members. The library committee is happy to accept donated books. Because of space considerations we are not able to keep all the books that we receive. What we can not use is passed on to the public libraries for their book sales.

Here are the titles of our latest additions:

“The Way; walking in the footsteps of Jesus” by Adam Hamilton

“A Heart Like His; intimate reflections on the life of David” by Beth Moore

“Adventures in Missing the Point; how the culture-controlled church neutered the gospel” by Brian McLaren and Tony Campolo

“How to Rescue the Earth Without Worshipping Nature; a Christian’s call to save creation” by Tony Campolo.

Visit the church library/resource room to find these and other provocative and inspiring books.