First United Methodist Church

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News & Devotions

Hope – Devotion from Laura Paquette (Nov. 10)


Isaiah 40:31 says “But those who hope in the Lord renew their strength.”

How joyful is that renewal of strength when it comes! Like many, I struggle with depression. It is so hard to crack open my Bible or even go for a walk when things seem their darkest. However, this year I had resolved to read the entire Bible — something I have never done before. I was on track for months! But after the pandemic hit and I began keeping my kids at home full time, my helpful Bible-in-one-year plan began to send me notifications as I got further and further behind. This week I started to catch up. It’s looking like it’s going to be a full Thanksgiving (or New Year’s Eve) but I think I’ll be able to reach my goal.

Every time I read a chapter, I feel a little bit stronger for the next day. Today’s reading from Timothy included the following: “But godliness actually is a source of great gain when accompanied by contentment — that contentment which comes from a sense of inner confidence based on the sufficiency of God.” God is sufficient, thank the Lord for that. Of course, studying scripture is only a part of ensuring our mental and spiritual health. There is much that goes into the daily work of humanity. But it does help to have a firm foundation to return to, a book of wisdom and stories that will (thankfully) still be there on January 2.  

~ Laura Paquette, Family Council Chair