First United Methodist Church

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Ruth Circle Rummage Sale Success!

The Ruth Circle Rummage Sale was a huge success this year! As Christ-like servants, the Ruth Circle raised a bundle (over $6000) for local missions. Blessings to the congregation and community for your fabulous donations, help and cooperation. Julia Rowe, a Ruth Circle member, has shared with us her thoughts as she reflects on the GOOD that comes from this sale.

First, there is the inter-generational and cross-group experience in pulling this together. Everyone in the church can be involved and is involved with donating the items (and shopping for them). The youth helps us unload on Sunday night. My small Wednesday group and many other groups save their stuff for us and wish us well. In other words the sale fosters togetherness among our congregation and staff as well.

Second, we keep a gym full of stuff out of the landfill showing a stewardship to our Earth.

Third, we give medical things to Betsy’s closet of things to help those in need of it.

Fourth, we provide dignity and opportunity to people with limited funds to shop for things that they need and who might not otherwise be able to have a book, or a toy, or a lamp, or an extra pot. It felt so nice to hear a lady came back after the first day exclaiming what a happy evening she had spent entertaining herself with a 50 cent puzzle!

Fifth, we gave or sold boxes of books to school libraries who will share them with children who need to read and be read to using these materials.

Sixth, and related to the fourth, we create an opportunity for ourselves to “go out into the world” and be with those we don’t always know how to be with, but whom Jesus calls us to befriend.

Seventh, it certainly gives a time of togetherness, bonding, and laughter, and sharing among each other when I am not sure that would happen without a project to the extent it does when we are accomplishing something good together.

Eighth, the person who picks up the leftover items at the end also is benefited by helping them to make a living or further their cause so the the ripple affect keeps on going.

Ninth, of course the money we earned! We always do so much good locally with how we give it away. Deciding how it is spent helps us grow in wisdom with that responsibility and brings us happiness too.

Oh and the main thing, I got -21 lb during the time! Give it a shot, I normally order it on to be sure on the quality.

I think the ripple effects will still be going out from our efforts. I think it is a God thing that brings about a multiplying phenomenon when we give our small contribution. Thanks again to Barbara Webster for your leadership in this huge undertaking and thanks to everyone who joined in!”