First United Methodist Church

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A Vibrant Family

A Vibrant Family
As a vibrant family, we are energized and we are growing. We understand that life is filled with beautiful moments but also messy times. One of our duties is to not simply equip others, but to take that a step further and equip others to serve. We do this by providing our community with connection and engagement. Our vibrant family is one that offers support and prayer for all.

By definition, vibrant (adjective): full of energy and enthusiasm; bright and striking; vivid, brilliant, strong, rich, colorful, bold. Illustrations of vibrant and vivid imagery fill the literary elements of the Bible.

  • Rainbow in the Clouds – After a storm passes and we see a rainbow, we often experience this sense of energy and enthusiasm that the storm has lifted and the sun is out once again. This colorful symbol tied to Noah’s story and the biblical story of the Flood is another illustration of vibrancy within the text of scripture. “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” (Genesis 9:13-16, NIV). The rich, diverse, and expansive colors of a rainbow, too, speak to vibrancy.
  • From Crimson to Wool – Another vivid example of bold imagery is found in Isaiah as he shares a message of God’s promise and miraculous grace given to this fallen world. “Come now, let us argue it out, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” (Isaiah 1:18, NRSV). Again, we see rich and dynamic references speaking to vibrancy.
  • Light and Darkness – Consider the contrast of light and darkness. This imagery is seen throughout the Bible. We read at the start of Genesis, in the creation story, this vibrant contrast of light and darkness. This theme is carried throughout scripture. The Old Testament promises of the future coming of the light of salvation and the light of God. This promise is fulfilled through the death and resurrection of Christ in the New Testament. “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12, NRSV). This striking, strong, and bold distinction of light and darkness speaks to vibrancy.

Just as this vibrant imagery helps to give life and personify the gift of Christ, so too can our vibrant actions help share the message of Christ in our community. Here are two examples of our vibrant family doing just this:

1. Growing Bolder is an organization dedicated to spreading the message of the power and possibility of aging by smashing stereotypes about getting older. Their motto is that you are not “Growing Older” but “Growing Bolder.” Each year they give out Growing Bolder Awards to honor the men and women who inspire those around them by being a powerful reminder to all of us that we can enjoy lives filled with passion and purpose at any age. Read about our very own Louis Allen Williams II:

The winner of the Spirit to Care Award presented by Florida Hospital is Louis Allen Williams II. Our winner has made caring his way of life through his countless volunteer positions. He’s a tremendous blessing to our community as a volunteer at the Orange County Regional History Center, the Orlando Museum of Art, the Orlando Shakespeare Theater, the Enzian Theater, 33rd Street Jail Ministry, Bicycle Blessings Ministry and CERT (Community Emergency Response Team). He’s a Florida Hospital Layman Clergy and serves the Tuskawilla First Methodist Church through its Food Bank, Men’s Group and Christian Blessings Bible Study.

2. Studio 150 ministry lives into this vibrancy through movement and dance! Here are some of the highlights in the news during 2017: Dance as a Ministry and Creative Positions Benefiting the Church Family. Whether it’s weekly dance practices, dancing in worship services, performing for the senior thanksgiving luncheon, or enjoying their holiday party and sleepover – these dancers keep us on our toes!

Looking towards this summer, Studio 150 is geared up to host the summer dance camp to serve lower income children with healthy movement, healthy lunches, and healthy nutrition education. Let’s congratulate our team for this recent grant announcement (Awarded Grant for 2018)!